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6.2.4 List Library Usage Mechanics

The list library construct is a regular libx1f4i0 library construct.

See Library Construct.

List libraries instances are to be created by the x1f4_init_lxlist function.

See x1f4_init_lxlist.

The function requires at least the type id to use for the introduced `list' type (some number conveniencing the application, greater than X1f4_E4_LAST) and the struct x1f4_nodetype_type descriptions of the types allowed for list itemdata.

See Symbolic Types.

See struct x1f4_nodetype_type.

See List Library Usage Examples.

See Simple Referable Data Type Examples.

See Complex Referable Data Type Example.

The data type definitions provided by the list library instances are to be retrieved via the x1f4_dset_lxlist function.

See x1f4_dset_lxlist.

The function definitions provided by the list library instances are to be retrieved via the x1f4_fset_lxlist function.

See x1f4_fset_lxlist.

Once no longer needed, the list library instances are to be disposed via the x1f4_fini_lxlist function.

See x1f4_fini_lxlist.