- real `Gacos'(real x);
is the in degrees specified arc cosine of x
- real `Gadiff'(real x, real
is the in degrees specified smallest angle between degrees x and degrees
y (or something)
- real `Garccos'(real x);
is same as `Gacos'(x)
- real `Garcctg2'(real x, real
is the in degrees specified arc tangent of y / x, signs of both
x and y being used to determine the quadrant of the result (same as
`Gatan2'(y, x))
- real `Garcdiff'(real x, real
is same as `Gadiff'(x, y)
- real `Garcsin'(real x);
is same as `Gasin'(x)
- real `Garctg'(real x);
is same as `Gatan'(x)
- real `Garctg2'(real y, real
is same as `Gatan2'(y, x)
- real `Gasin'(real x);
is the in degrees specified arc sine of x
- real `Gatan'(real x);
is the in degrees specified arc tangent of x
- real `Gatan2'(real y, real
is the in degrees specified arc tangent of y / x, signs of both
x and y being used to determine the quadrant of the result
- real `Gcos'(real x);
is the cosine of degrees x
- real `Gparcctg2'(real x, real
is the positively defined, in radians specified arc tangent of y /
x, signs of both x and y being used to determine the quadrant
of the result (same as `Gpatan2'(y, x))
- real `Gparctg2'(real y, real
is same as `Gpatan2'(y, x)
- real `Gpatan2'(real y, real
is the positively defined, in degrees specified arc tangent of y /
x, signs of both x and y being used to determine the quadrant
of the result
- real `Gsin'(real x);
is the sine of degrees x
- real `Gtan'(real x);
is the tangent of degrees x
- real `Gtg'(real x);
is same as `Gtan'(x)
- mode `abs'(mode m);
is the absolute value of m
- real `acos'(real x);
is the in radians specified arc cosine of x
- real `adiff'(real x, real y);
is the in radians specified smallest angle between radians x and radians
y (or something)
- real `arccos'(real x);
is same as `acos'(x)
- real `arcctg2'(real x, real
is the in radians specified arc tangent of y / x, signs of both
x and y being used to determine the quadrant of the result (same as
`atan2'(y, x))
- real `arcdiff'(real x, real
is same as `adiff'(x, y)
- real `arcsin'(real x);
is same as `asin'(x)
- real `arctg'(real x);
is same as `atan'(x)
- real `arctg2'(real y, real
is same as `atan2'(y, x)
- real `asin'(real x);
is the in radians specified arc sine of x
- real `atan'(real x);
is the in radians specified arc tangent of x
- real `atan2'(real y, real x);
is the in radians specified arc tangent of y / x, signs of both
x and y being used to determine the quadrant of the result
- mode `base2'(mode m);
is the greatest power of 2 less than or equal to m if m is not less
than zero, some undefined value otherwise
- mode `bcount'(mode m);
is the m bitcount (i.e. the number of bits set in m)
- real `ceil'(real x);
is the up rounded value of x
- mode `compare'(text s, text
is 0 if s is (case sensitive) same as t, less than 0 if s is
less than t and greater than 0 if s is greater than t
- real `cos'(real x);
is the cosine of radians x
- mode `deck2'(mode m);
is the lesser power of 2 greater than or equal to m if m is not
less than zero, some undefined value otherwise
- mode `drand'(mode m);
is a pseudo-random integer between inclusive 0 and m
- text `echo'(text s);
is s
- real `exp'(real x);
is the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power of
- real `exp2'(real x);
is the value of 2 raised to the power of x
- real `fabs'(real x);
is the absolute value of x
- real `fclip'(real min, real
x, real max);
is the minimum between max and the maximum between x and min
- mode `ffs'(mode m);
is the 1 based position of the first (least significant) bit set in m if
any, 0 otherwise
- real `floor'(real x);
is the down rounded value of x
- mode `fls'(mode m);
is the 1 based position of the last (most significant) bit set in m if
any, 0 otherwise
- real `fmax'(real x, real y);
is the maximum of x and y
- real `fmin'(real x, real y);
is the minimum of x and y
- real `fmod'(real x, real y);
is the remainder of dividing x by y, more specifically x -
n * y, where n is the quotient of x / y, rounded
toward zero to an integer
- real `fmodf'(real x);
is the same sign as x fractional part of x
- real `frand'(void);
is a pseudo-random real between 0 and 1
- real `fsign'(real x);
is -1 if x is negative, 0 of x is zero, 1 otherwise
- mode `gcd'(mode m, mode n);
is the greatest common denominator of m and n
- mode `iclip'(mode min, mode
m, mode max);
is the minimum between max and the maximum between m and min
- real `imodf'(real x);
is the same sign as x integral part of x
- mode `irand'(mode m, mode n);
is a pseudo-random integer between inclusive m and n
- mode `length'(text s);
is the length of s
- real `limit'(real x);
is the away from zero rounded value of x
- real `ln'(real x);
is same as `log'(x)
- real `log'(real x);
is the natural logarithm of x
- real `log10'(real x);
is the base 10 logarithm of x
- real `log2'(real x);
is the base 2 logarithm of x
- real `lrand'(void);
is a pseudo-random real between -1 and 1
- mode `lz'(mode m);
is the m leading zero bits count, same as `xls'(m)
- mode `match'(text s, text t);
is 0 if t wild card (case sensitive) matches the s pattern (the
* and ? literal sign are interpreted as for their shell
pattern equivalents), non 0 otherwise
- mode `max'(mode m, mode n);
is the maximum of m and n
- mode `min'(mode m, mode n);
is the minimum of m and n
- mode `mode'(real x);
is x
- real `parcctg2'(real x, real
is the positively defined, in radians specified arc tangent of y /
x, signs of both x and y being used to determine the quadrant
of the result (same as `patan2'(y, x))
- real `parctg2'(real y, real
is same as `patan2'(y, x)
- real `patan2'(real y, real
is the positively defined, in radians specified arc tangent of y /
x, signs of both x and y being used to determine the quadrant
of the result
- real `pow'(real x, real y);
is the value of x raised to the power of y
- real `real'(mode m);
is m
- real `round'(real x);
is the towards nearest integer, half cases away from zero rounded value of
- mode `sign'(mode m);
is -1 if m is negative, 0 of m is zero, 1 otherwise
- real `sin'(real x);
is the sine of radians x
- real `sq'(real x);
is the square of x
- real `sqrt'(real x);
is the square root of x
- real `tan'(real x);
is the tangent of radians x
- mode `text'(text s, mode m);
is the (positively defined value of the) mth character of s, if
such character exists, 0 otherwise
- real `tg'(real x);
is same as `tan'(x)
- real `track'(real x);
is the towards zero rounded value of x
- mode `tz'(mode m);
is the m trailing zero bits count, same as `xfs'(m)
- mode `xfs'(mode m);
is the 0 based position of the first (least significant) bit set in m if
any, the number of bits in m otherwise (same as `tz'(m))
- mode `xls'(mode m);
is the 0 based position of the last (most significant) bit set in m if
any, the number of bits in m otherwise (same as `lz'(m))